The Unreal Renegade

The Unreal Renegade


What People Are Saying

“Often, I find I subscribe to emails and then spend 10 minutes of my morning just deleting to clear space in pursuit of inbox zero… a rare few make it through the weekly purge and this is one of them. There’s no hyper focused “business” efficiency or lessons that so many writers attempt to emulate. Instead, this newsletter fills an interesting void and generates unexpected pleasure. It’s similar to waking up sans-hangover on a Sunday morning, where you sit in your favorite sunlit chair with a hot cup of coffee. You leaf through it much like the paper, the content having dashes of maturity but flavored with the modern slant of those in the know. Sip away and let the musings carry you forward.”

Paul, PA, Real Estate

“This forum is current, comprehensive and impactful! ”

Hilton, NY, Medicine

“The Unreal Weekly Roundup is a core part of my week. Seeing it pop up in my inbox gives me that same feeling as when a guy I like texts me back.”

Isabella, CA, Real Estate

“The Unreal Weekly Roundup is a ‘Sunday morning catch-up with the homies’ delivered straight to your inbox. I'm recently removed from living with friends, and I dearly miss devouring a bacon egg and cheese to the background noise of peers discussing news, sports, and culture. This newsletter fills that void. It talks to readers like a kind, older brother; knowledge and intelligence without arrogance or elitism. I see much of media today motivated by clicks and cash, but this weekly must-read is only motivated by fostering a community and informing readers. It’s unreal.”

Luke, NJ, Law Student

“Love the depth and dimension of this newsletter! Brilliant! ”

Jonathan, NY, Medicine

“The Unreal Weekly Roundup is more than just a major highlight of my week- it roots me in a community that shares similar interest and world perspectives as I do. It’s fun-loving, nostalgic, informative, and truly motivating to read and I couldn’t be more encouraging for anyone to chuck their name on the list of recipients.”

Cole, NY, Finance

“The only newsletter I follow that makes me laugh out loud.”

Mike, NJ, Entertainment

“"There is no better way to get through a work meeting than filling out the Unreal Weekly Roundup submission form"”

Tyler, FL, Luxury Car Trader

“The Unreal Weekly Roundup is undoubtedly one of the highlights of my week. Given how much of our daily news consumption is clouded by politics, finance, and more, this newsletter is a super light, fun way to stay up to date on what is happening across sports, entertainment, and the NY social scene with a comedic flare.”

Will, CT, Finance

“The Unreal Weekly has changed my life. I’m finally off cigarettes and got my first fantasy football win ever since reading. ”

Callan, PA, Tech Sales

“The Unreal Weekly Roundup is a refreshingly light read that I love seeing in my inbox every Sunday. With an inbox full of spam emails, job application rejections, and news articles of tragic events, the Unreal Weekly Roundup provides a glimmer of happiness on those often bleak Sunday afternoons.”

Seth, NJ, Consulting

“The Unreal Weekly Roundup is now a party of my Sunday routine. I look forward to the weekly recaps both to learn what is going on in the world, and see how well my submissions performed / whether or not they were included. The crowdsourced aspect provides an element of fun and suspense”

Tony, NY, Consulting

“My fantasy punishment is brutal this year and the Unreal Weekly Roundup has helped me stay out of last place. Best decision ever to subscribe! ”

Lauren, PA, Real Estate

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