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  • Unreal Weekly Roundup Apr 28: Grumpy Protestors, Heisman Trophies, and The Black Mamba's Successor

Unreal Weekly Roundup Apr 28: Grumpy Protestors, Heisman Trophies, and The Black Mamba's Successor

“Weekly superlatives for the people, by the people”

Win of the Week: Airlines will now have to pay automatic refunds for canceled/delayed flights and lost bags

I’d like to meet whoever brokered this deal and kiss them on the lips (Credit: Jaguars5288)

Loss of the Week: Biden admin proposes 45% capital gains tax 

Leaving dems everywhere like:

Best Week: Reggie Bush gets his Heisman back after 14 years

OJ is smiling down (or up) on this from somewhere

Worst Week: Students of protesting universities who are just there to learn and get a good job

“Excuse me, pardon me, just trying to get my chicken tender wrap and head to bio lab, thanks” (Credit: Ravens12)

Man of the Week: Anthony Edwards leads Timberwolves to 3-0 lead over the Suns: “I just want to kill everything in front of me”

We have officially found the Black Mamba’s successor.

Woman of the Week: Emily Blunt tees off on soulless studio execs and their algorithms

Keep fighting that good fight, Emily 💪 

Clown of the Week: Umpire mistakes fan’s taunts for Aaron Boone, throws Boone out of the game

The umpire later double down. You just gotta own your mistake and move on dude… (Click the image to watch)

Wholesome Moment of the Week: LSU WR Brian Thomas’ mother misunderstands question leading to a hilarious exchange

(Click the image to watch)

Date Spot of the Week: Raines Law Room (Midtown)

Click the image to snag a res (Credit: Ravens12)

The perfect spot to show your date that you know how to read and don’t watch movies - you watch cinema. Not too hard to get a res and an excellent ambiance.

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Jersey of the Week: University of Georgia alternate uniform

Watch of the Week: Road House (2024)

Where to Watch: Prime (Click the image to view the trailer)

Key Players:
Jake Gyllenhaal
Conor McGregor
Billy Magnussen

Thinking can be sooooo boring. Luckily, Road House is here to spare you from that. Shut your brain off and fasten your seatbelt for a non-stop action flick that will have you thinking “If I trained that hard can I look like Jake Gyllenhaal shirtless?” (no) and “God, I hope I never run into Conor McGregor in a dark alley”. For real though, McGregor honestly steals the show and there are some epic fight sequences in this thing + some great feel-good moments. Just don’t think too hard about it, which the film most certainly won’t ask you to do.

What 2 Watch 4:

-An untitled movie that portrays OJ Simpson as innocent. Owen Wilson was approached for a role (hopefully OJ) to which he vehemently declined.

-Kingdom of the Planet Apes: They rolled out a fire PR campaign this week which comprised of people in hyper-realistic monkey costumes riding on horseback on Venice Beach.

Song of the Week: The Captain by Kasey Chambers (1999)

Edgy 90s girl songs are so back (Click the image to listen)

Wisdom of the Week: Little things that can change your life, a thread

Click the image to read.

Sunday Motivation: Don’t get too high until you cross that finish line

Unreal Update: This summer’s first project has officially entered pre-production

The short follows the trials and tribulations of Alex Crash, a middle school health class public service announcement actor that treats every job like he’s Daniel Day-Lewis on the set of There Will Be Blood (very very seriously). Just got accepted by SAG and will be my first project working with them. Getting some good music hopefully too for the soundtrack.

Edit: There’s nothing I hate more than bureaucracies and SAG is proving themselves to be just that. May dump them and do this the ol’ fashion way.

Fan Question of the Week: What can DC do to be as popular as Marvel?

Asked by: Big Rizz

Marvel is vulnerable right now. Virtually every movie/show since Endgame has been mid, with exception to Loki, Guardians 3, and a few others, and its their own fault. Sure they had an uphill battle coming off the climax of the franchise and movie event of a generation - there’s no denying that. But if they put even half the heart into their post-Endgame movies that they did into their pre-Endgame ones, they’d still be king.

I’ve seen firsthand how these things are put together while working at various entertainment agencies: they’re pumped out like products on a conveyer belt, creative decisions are made by suits in boardrooms and algorithms, directors are not authors but traffic cops, and writers rooms are staffed based on quotas, merit as an afterthought.

All DC has to do is focus on quality, not try to copy the Marvel model, and they’ll be fine. They can also take advantage of Marvel’s now-infamous campiness by doubling down on gritty films like Joker and pave their own path.

Hoss or Toss: Roger Goodell’s ideal NFL schedule

Hoss: Idc about anything else, Super Bowl Sunday on a 3-day weekend makes it all worth it.

Toss: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Messing with the length of the season makes it hard to measure stats between eras, not to mention the extra wear and tear of already banged up players.

Goodell's Ideal Schedule

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Last week’s results:
Spirit Airlines:
Hoss: 14%
Toss: 86%

The Mav Cam:

Mav escaped for the first time in 7 years, I soon found him hanging out in our neighbors stream. Needless to say we went straight to the puppy salon.

April Winner: Ravens12

Totals reset at the end of each month

The Yellow King took this month off leading to a nice 2-man race. Let’s see what next month has in store

and a Random Athelte for the road: Thomas Robinson (PF)

Until next week,

Blake Sherwyn

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