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  • Unreal Weekly Roundup March 10: Sprang Break, Haitian Cannibals, and A Very Cute Puppy

Unreal Weekly Roundup March 10: Sprang Break, Haitian Cannibals, and A Very Cute Puppy

“Weekly superlatives for the people, by the people”

Win of the Week: U.S. House panel unanimously approved bill that would ban TikTok from all devices if ByteDance doesn't sell the company

I felt my ADHD get better just reading that sentence

Loss of the Week: City of Miami cracks down on Spring Break in order to put an end to the shenanigans

Probably a win for the locals in all honesty, but I’m selflessly counting this as a Loss for all the young bulls who will never experience an American tradition like no other (Credit: Jaguars5288)

Best Week: Nick Bosa meets deep personal hero, Donald Trump

Worst Week: Haiti overrun by cannibalistic gang; Prime Minister flees the country

The gang’s leader known as “Barbecue”. Horrifying and sad that this is real life and not a cheesy Jason Statham disaster movie.

Man of the Week: Denis Villeneuve showed Dune 2 to a dying fan 1 month before the films release; the fan passed away a few hours later: “It’s for these people that we make cinema”

I’m not crying you’re crying

Woman of the Week: Mackenzie Scott (Jeff Bezos’ ex wife) plans to give away all her money; has donated $16.5B so far

“I’m not stopping until the safe is empty” were her exact words. I’d be on my 9th mega yacht right now, what a special person

Dog of the Week: Messi the Dog from Anatomy of a Fall

It was reported by other nominated films that Messi’s appearance at the Oscar voting event gave the film an unfair advantage (Click the image to watch him clap tho 😍 )

Clown of the Week: Joe Biden calls Laken Riley “Lincoln Riley” (current USC head football coach); apologizes to illegal immigrant population instead of the family of the slain young lady

USC is toast next year after losing Caleb Williams AND Lincol— what’s that? Oh, never mind.

Feel Good Moment of the Week: Dick Vitale officially undergoes successful vocal chord surgery after beating cancer and plans to return to broadcasting

We love a good comeback story

Hoss or Toss: Elon removing likes and retweets from being visible on Twitter feed

Hoss: Helps take emphasis off this bizarre likes-driven society we’ve created for ourselves, evening the playing field for creators of any size.

Toss: Likes help lend credibility and inspire/incentivize creativity and content, we need them.

What do you think?

Elon Removing Likes/Retweets from Showing on Your Twitter Feed

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Last week’s results:
Nicole Kidman’s AMC Ads
Hoss: 66%
Toss: 33%

Date Spot of the Week: Carne Mare (FiDi)

Click the image to snag a res. (Credit: The Yellow King)

“Carne Mare, an Italian steakhouse located in the South Street Seaport, offers an outstanding culinary experience, elevated by its decor, layout, and delightful views of the East River. The menu boasts an array decadent dishes ranging from mozzarella sticks topped with caviar, yellowfin tuna tartare, mushroom agnolotti, roasted duck, and the main highlight being the gorgonzola-cured wagyu striploin. If all of that food was somehow not enough, the chocolate cake and table-side baked spumoni are must haves. If you cannot get into Carbone (likely) and seek similar cuisine with outstanding views then this is an excellent substitute.” - The Yellow King

Hinge Question of the Week:

Asked by: Bloodbath

“I’ve been stubborn about not downloading dating apps but I think I’m finally willing to at least be convinced to create a profile. Is Hinge worth it? What’s the success rate of a match actually turning into a long term serious relationship? I don’t want to waste my time if it’s not going to lead anywhere. If it is worthwhile, what should I know before I get started?”

Thanks for writing in hoss. My first piece of advice would be to not use the name Bloodbath anywhere near your profile. Next, I’ll break your question into a two parts, starting with:

Is Hinge worth it? What’s the success rate of a match actually turning into a long term serious relationship? I don’t want to waste my time if it’s not going to lead anywhere.

I’d say it’s definitely worth it, and you have nothing to lose. The more couples you meet, the more you’ll see met on Hinge and not “out” or through friends as was the norm even 5 or so years ago. Definitely is not a waste of your time unless you find yourself putting off tasks to sit there on a swipe binge. I’d actually argue that you’ll find a higher quality girl on Hinge as many girls are there to date intentionally, rather than a girl who’ll go back with you after 2 drinks at the Spaniard.

If it is worthwhile, what should I know before I get started?

Here is the million dollar question. I’d start by picking a diverse range of photos:

-A solo shot so she knows who you are
-A pic with friends so she knows you have friends
-A pic with fam/siblings to show that you have good values
-Bonus points for a pic with a pet

As far as your prompt responses go (you’ll be asked to select 3 prompts), don’t think too hard about it / take it too seriously. Kind of a red flag when someone writes a 5 paragraph essay about what they’re looking for / who they are. Absolutely do not sell yourself either; you should be screening for a partner, not begging for someone to like you. Have fun with it and get creative.

That should get you started, feel free to follow up with specifics as you advance in your journey, which I highly recommend you do.

Need Hinge advice? Write in here and our experts will get back to you via email or anonymously in a timely manner.

DAWG of the Week: LeBron spits game on sidelines

I owe him an apology, I wasn’t familiar with his game. (Click the image to watch)

Random Athlete Generator: Jay Bruce

Credit: Jaguars5288

Jersey of the Week: FSU home jersey

Credit: The Yellow King

Watch of the Week: Whiplash (2014)

RUSHING OR DRAGGING?!?!?! (Credit: BigRizz)

Key Players:
Miles Teller
JK Simmons
Damien Chazelle (Director)

Genre: Drama
Where to Watch: Netflix

The film that launched Damien Chazelle into superstardom started off as a proof of concept short which was intense enough to secure financing for the rest of the film, which went on to win a multitude of big awards. JK Simmons gives an unforgettable performance as Miles Teller’s abusive band teacher, this scene alone should sell you (who knew band practice could be so scary).

Song of the Week: In The Aeroplane Over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel (1998)

Click the image to listen.

What 2 Watch 4:

-Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul on Netflix
-SNL 1975 - a film about the first ever SNL production starring Succession’s Nicholas Braun (Cousin Greg)
-Noah Baumbach’s (Barbie, Marriage Story) untitled new film starring Adam Sandler, George Clooney, and Laura Dern
-A Steve Martin documentary 

Wisdom of the Week:

Sunday Motivation:

Credit: The Yellow King

Unreal Update: The fam attended a fundraiser for Navy SEALs this past Thursday

Click the image to contribute to a good cause

Fan Question of the Week: Who do you view as your biggest creative influence and how so?

Tough Q, DirtyDawg69, but there is one that stands out above the rest:

Todd Phillips (Director of The Hangover, Old School, Joker)

Phillips in his self-given Hangover cameo

This guy was instrumental in creating many of the comedies that made us the men we are today; bold, raunchy without being distasteful, and “not PC”. Todd’s movies are an absolute blast and represent an era of comedy that has virtually disappeared. It’s my life’s mission to help bring it back.

The Mav Cam:

Back in the whip cruisin w shawty


Totals reset at the end of each month

and a Meme for the Road:

Choose wisely.

Until next week,

Blake Sherwyn

Have something you’d like to submit for next week? Click here and fire away

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Have more feedback to share? You can write-in here. Thanks Hoss[ette]